Sunday, February 1, 2015

Rev. Samuel Rodriguez's speech at March for Life 2015

March for Life 2015 took place on 22 January 2015 at the National Mall in Washington D.C., the United States.

Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, President of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, delivered a powerful speech and prayer before the launch of the march. (Rev. Rodriguez's speech begins at 1:16:42 of the video.)

The transcript follows:
We gather today not as blacks, whites, yellow or brown. We gather today as children of the living God.
We gather today with the commitment to reconcile righteousness with justice, sanctification with service, and Truth with Love.
We gather today with Biblical conviction and courage to speak to the spiritual forces that exacerbate the death of innocents in the womb.
We gather today to speak to the spirit of Pharaoh, and to the spirit of Herod, and to declare the following.
We declare the following:
For every Pharaoh there will be a Moses;
For every Goliath there will be a David;
For every Nebuchadnezzar there will be a Daniel;
For every Jezebel there will be an Elijah;
For every Herod there will be a Jesus!
And for every devil that rises up against us,
there is a mightier God that rises up for us.
For we understand that the right to life stems not from the executive branch, judicial or the legislative branch. The right to life does not stem from a political party or apparatus. It does not come from the donkey or the elephant.
The right to life comes from the Lamb that is on the throne; His name is Jesus.
Therefore, on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, let us remind our nation and our fellow citizens that Uncle Sam may be our uncle, but he will never be our Heavenly Father.
With that, let me invite you to pray.
Let us pray:
Heavenly Father, we pray that this generation will recognise the image of God in every human being in and out of the womb without exception. We pray that the followers of Christ will no longer hide at the bottom of the threshing floor but rather they will emerge as mighty heroes of righteousness and justice.
We pray that the children of the cross realise that today's complacency is tomorrow's captivity, that moral stagnation leads to spiritual atrophy, and that there is no such thing as comfortable Christianity.
We pray that children will not be aborted, that marriages will thrive, and religious liberty will prevail for generations to come.
We pray that Truth will never be sacrificed on the altar of expediency, that Love will overcome hate, and that the prophetic will silence the pathetic. And we pray for the strength of the Father, the grace of the Son, and the anointing of God's Spirit to equip us in order to advance Your agenda; an agenda that protects the innocent and the unborn, all while we do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly before God.
And we pray all of this in the holy, righteous, triumphant, victorious name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen and amen.

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