Thursday, July 3, 2014

"Judging You": A conversation with a friend

"Do not judge!", people often say, (mis-)quoting passages like Matthew 7:1-5.

The dogma of the 21st century, as well as 21st century Christianity, is that of being "non-judgmental".

But who's judging whom?

Some time back, I was briefly explaining to a non-Christian friend that certain forms of birth control pills, like the "morning-after" pill, had the effect of inducing the abortion of an implanted foetus.

She immediately retorted, in a tone that was half serious and half in jest, "Judging you..."

She went on later to criticise me for being irrational, albeit in a relatively calm and civil manner.

Now, who is the judgmental one here? More importantly, which judgment is right?

That is some food for thought.